There are many ways to support animals through the Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary. We are entirely run by volunteers, so all donations go directly to the sanctuary and our work to care for animals and promote animal rights.
Volunteer at the Sanctuary We welcome volunteers, especially those with skills in animal care, construction, website design or fundraising. WOOFers are very welcome and we are planning regular working bees, so please contact us if you would like to volunteer with us.
Donate to the Sanctuary At this stage we are very busy planning comfortable housing so we can provide a high standard of care for horses, cows, pigs, sheep, chickens and other animals. Materials are costly, so we welcome donations. Send a donation to the Animal Protection Society at PO Box 7500, Newtown, Wellington or donate directly into the Animal Protection Society bank account at Kiwibank 38 9005 0324267 00 (and email us so that we can thank you and send you a receipt). The Animal Protection Society is a registered charity, and all donations are tax-deductible. We also have a fundraising page at Givealittle - check us out at
Make a bequest to help animals Through your will you can leave a gift to the Animal Protection Society that will help animals in a very practical sense long after you have passed away. If you would like to consider gifting a portion of your estate to the sanctuary, there are more guidelines here.
Become a Friend of the Sanctuary Make a monthly donation to provide the continuous funding we need to support animals throughout the year. You can download an automatic payment form here - please complete, and return to your bank.
Volunteer at Opportunity for Animals, our charity shop The Animal Protection Society runs charity shops in Newtown and Kilbirnie, Wellington, and also in Porirua, that sell quality secondhand clothing and household goods to fundraise for animal charities and the sanctuary. If you are interested in volunteering at the op-shop please phone Kate at the shop on 04-389-3891 or leave a message and she will return your call. Read more here ...
Help with our wishlist We are seeking:- native tree seedlings fruit tree and vegetable seedlings tools bark chips for paths around the house area (which the animals and winter are churning into mud) water troughs a woodburner for the sanctuary house - to keep wild kittens (that are being socialised) and sick animals warm
Please contact us if you can help with any of these!
Respecting animals, respecting relationships, respecting the environment PO Box 7500, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, 06 364 2241, [email protected]